Picture of the lane leading into Llandyssil with springtime daffodils



Signs Post



The village defibrillator is in the old phone box at Village Green.

Makers By Candlelight

The village craft group meets on the 4th Tuesday in the month - 23rd July, 27th August, 24th September - from 1:30 to 3:30pm in the Old School Hall. The cost is just £2 plus £1 for unlimited refreshments, with any profit going to charity - this year it will be 1st Montgomery Brownies.

We started in November 2017 and in the 50 meetings since then, we’ve raised £1,280 for five different local charities. Thank you to everyone for supporting the group.

Everyone’s welcome - even if you don’t do crafts - join us for a cuppa and a chat.

For more information, give Peter or Jane a call on: 01686 668368.

Llandyssil Ladies Club

The Ladies Club meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month - 16th July, 20th August, 17th September - at 7:30pm in the Old School Hall. Annual membership is £20 but non-members are welcome for £3 for the evening, which always includes refreshments.

Forthcoming events:

A list of forthcoming events for Llandyssil Ladies Club

If you'd like more information, please call Marilyn: 01686 668523 or Lynn: 01686 668247

Logo of the Women's Institute

 Abermule W.I.

Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the month in Abermule Community Centre (ACC) at 7:30pm, unless stated otherwise. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

W.I. Programme 2024:

A list of forthcoming events for the Abermule WI

Join the W.I. for fun, friendship and so much more - the W.I. is everything you want it to be!

MEG Free Bicycle Scheme

The scheme has been flourishing over the past year with over 520 refurbished bikes passed on free to delighted new owners, after necessary work and refurbishment. We also carry out servicing to anyone's bike to get them back on the road free of any labour charge - we just charge the cost-price of any parts used.

So, if you're looking for a bike, give Brett a call on 01686 669730 and we should be able to help.

Getting on a bike not only gets you fitter but also saves CO2 - recycling a bike saves about ½ tonne of CO2 compared to making a new one!

A small image of a pair of walking boots

Llandyssil Walking Group

A full programme of monthly walks will resume in the spring, on the 4th Wednesday of each month. We are also regularly invited to join the Montgomery group on the 2nd Wednesday of the month and also the Berriew group, which offers two walks a month, but not on any fixed days.

A number of folks are regular walkers with their dogs. Sadly, there is an increasing problem of dog mess. Please ensure that every dog walker clears up thoroughly after their dog every time.

I wonder how many people have made use of the walk display on the end wall of the village bus shelter?

Keep walking and enjoy our beautiful countryside, but please remember the Country Code:

  • Be considerate of others living and working in the countryside 
  • Leave all gates as you find them 
  • Keep to the waymarked paths 
  • Take all your litter home - if possible, take home a few extra pieces, there's plenty of it about! 
  • Keep your dog under close control at all times and pick up & properly dispose of any dog waste.
  • Keep your dog on a short lead when around livestock - remember, a farmer is entitled to shoot any dog seen to be worrying or attacking their animals

Look out for details of upcoming walks and join us if you can, to share the beautiful area in which we're very fortunate to live. If you'd like more details, please contact me: Mike Membery at mikemem@phonecoop.coop or give me a call on 01686 668643.

Llandyssil Newsletter

The latest edition of the amazing Llandyssil Newsletter can be downloaded by clicking this link so you can read it on screen or print it if you'd prefer.

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